When we made the decision to trade our offices in a corporate environment for a 16-acre campus, a garden was part of our plan. We saw a garden as part and parcel to the building, a place of beauty where we would all learn to eat a bit better. Beyond the fruits and vegetables that our garden grows, our gardener is always planting a few flowers to enjoy as well.
We started with tomatoes, and over more than a decade, our garden has grown and evolved. We always have a few standard vegetables, and a few new things to try. The harvest is shared among our folks at the kitchen table along with our business relationships and neighbors from time to time.
It seems that a number of companies are now making this benefit available for their employees. We were recently featured in an HGTV Article on workplace gardens, along with the gardens of Blue Cross Minnesota and Google. If you are thinking about starting a garden at your place, I can confirm that it’s rewarding. Glad to share some best practices and lessons learned along the way.