The holidays are gearing up around here. This week, I walked out to the barn and saw this wreath on my Dad’s old Mustang. It made me think: What if this Thanksgiving, instead of listing what we are thankful for, we focused on who we are thankful for?
Even 30 years after his passing, I’m still thankful for my Dad. In the mid ‘70s, he cashed in all his AT&T stock to help me start a business. I lost it all within 2 years. Today, I just wish he knew how much I appreciated what he did.
While Dad was probably the biggest influence in my career, truth is, there were many who shaped the way I view things. There was the scoutmaster, a medical student at Emory at the time, who introduced me to Scouting. I will also never forget our early customer from Santa Monica who helped us out on our second job in Salt Lake City. They shared savings when we finished, which they had no obligations to do. It was out of simple kindness, but without the money, we would have gone under. I can go on and on…
Maybe this Thanksgiving a good time for all of us to say thanks to a person, even if it’s through a short note. Those that gave us a leg up in life or showed some kindness. What do you think?