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There is comfort in the known. That’s why most of us enjoy having a steady routine at work. But if you’re not careful, getting lost in habit and familiarity can become too comfortable. You’ll end up stuck in a rut while the ever-changing business landscape passes by. As former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said,

“He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.”

The construction industry is no different. The economy is forcing many companies to carefully examine shifting demands in the business and ensure their technological capabilities and skill sets meet those demands. Here are a few things I am doing to evaluate new means and methods:

Social Media. I suppose the very existence of this blog gives you evidence that I decided to embrace the social world. Beyond Planting Acorns, we’ve jumped in there and gotten active on FlickR, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Not only has this formed some wonderful new relationships, it has given me another avenue to stay up to date on the latest and greatest industry news.

RSS. I use Google Reader for two main reasons:

  • For social media strategy. I receive updates from Chris Brogan and Mashable. In the interest of time, I believe these are overarching and provide a concise heads up on the latest ways to stay connected.
  • To scan latest articles on advancements in construction technology. I use the word search tool to narrow my reading, and find advancements that allow us to do more with less, increasing productivity. BIM would be an example.

LEED. Marketplace emphasis on sustainable construction and renewable energy continues to increase. I sought LEED accreditation before we constructed our building and it’s led to multiple jobs we wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

To sum up, I think the construction industry has not taken full advantage of change. Numerous opportunities are waiting; we just have to open the door. Change is often the catalyst for success.


Merrill Stewart is Founder and CEO of The Stewart/Perry Company, a commercial building contractor based in Birmingham.