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We spend a lot of time piecing together the right teams for each project. It’s more of an art than a science, but factors considered include background, relevant experience, management style, personality and so much more. There are many paths to arrive at the same result, but we want to pair our folks in a way that will get us there the smoothest way possible.

With that team in place, how do we motivate them to preform at peak efficiency? We are constantly refining our recipe, but I can tell you a few things that don’t work. The old-school culture of high pressure can often have the opposite of the desired effect and actually pit team members against each other. In our experience, the added stress often makes people less productive. We’ve found that setting clear goals, balancing the workload and then giving our folks the autonomy to reach benchmarks their own way is the best path. We are focused on giving and receiving feedback along the way, before anything has the chance to get off the rails.



Merrill Stewart is Founder and CEO of The Stewart/Perry Company, a commercial building contractor based in Birmingham.