In certain years, both Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron were home run kings who to this day are looked up to as quality players. Other times, they led the league in strike outs.
My wish for you, and really all of us, is that 2015 be a year that we allow ourselves to make mistakes and feel okay about it. Maybe small. Maybe large. Either way, striking at the ball every time we have a chance to be at plate with all our might, just as Babe and Hank did.
The older I get, it seems the more mistakes I make. I think that is because I’m more confident in trying new things and learning in the process. It’s all about change and pushing. Doing things that one has not done before, but more importantly just doing it. Sometimes we will fail, but I bet the more you try, the more you will be successful, no matter the trade.
Make your mistakes and enjoy the process. I have always learned a lot more from my mistakes than from any successes.
Happy New Year. Take it all in.