It seems like we all spend a lot of hours with our noses to the grindstone. That sometimes means we get more done, and at others, at least to me, sometimes I cannot see the forest through the trees.
When I’m wrestling with a complex problem, or anything similar for that matter, the solution almost never comes to me in a meeting, or when I’m sitting at work in front of a pile of papers. Light bulb moments are far more likely to happen at unexpected times, when I can step away.
For me, it’s often when I am at my desk at home early in the morning, watching a sunrise or clear sky, with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. A time when the phone is not ringing and there aren’t urgent things to do, counting my blessings with no pressure to do this or that. It’s my time to just sit and wonder “what if” or what could be done in a different way.
You might try this sometime, and as I have, find yourself amazed what happens when the mind is clear. The best ideas may come in solitude.